True Self Counseling
Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what's out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it.
~Pema Chödrön
The Value of Therapy
Think about what made you begin searching for a therapist. You have close friends, a partner, family, people you can call on, but it’s complicated. They need you; you need them. They expect things from you; want you to stay just the way you are. You expect things from them; you want them to be someone they’re not.
Sometimes, though, what you need is to clear the space, make room around your reactivity and well-worn defenses, the pulls of others, to be able to see yourself and make the changes you long to make. Yet, the loneliness or isolation that can arise during times of inner turmoil or upheaval is sometimes more than you can manage alone.
Realizing the need for a new perspective, guidance, and reflection from a neutral person is when finding and building a therapeutic relationship is one of the most meaningful connections you can create and lean into. The bond between therapist and client is sacred, and the container is a sanctuary.
It’s Different Here.
Our relationship is different than others. I encourage you to risk more, reveal more, and entrust your vulnerable insides to someone you barely know. You sit across from me, someone who doesn’t ask you to listen to them or take care of them. The attention is on you, for you.
At first, this unbalanced give and take might trigger concern that the relationship is somehow inauthentic, especially if you have spent much of your life focused on others more than yourself. Sometimes looking to others to express their vulnerability first makes it safe to share yours.
Yet, when it’s a good connection, you do risk and reveal and trust in ways you never have before, maybe could not, with anyone else. It feels so good to be seen and heard without judgment or unsolicited advice, to be encouraged and directed with compassion and insight.
The therapeutic relationship and journey is about understanding and removing barriers to wellbeing.
It’s about making exquisite meaning of our lives, meaning that allows us to more fully accept the magnitude of our limitations. From this acceptance, you are released to joyfully embrace your creativity, authentic expression, and life purpose.